Saturday, July 4, 2015

Sweet Summer Time

Hello friends,

I hope you've had a great month of June and a relaxing beginning to your summer! After the whirlwind that was May, I've enjoyed the calm and slower pace this month has provided. So much of my job has been planning for next school year and talking to students. It's been so fun! I'm just going to highlight a few things that happened.

1.Wisdom Teeth Removal
-I mainly put this here, so you guys are also participating in my life. I haven't had a surgery in a very, very long time, so I was nervous. I even had to get an IV! Beside some minor bruising, everything went fine, and I recovered well. I think they hit a nerve when they put the novocaine in, though, because the left section of my lower jaw is still de-numbing. They told me I just kind of had to wait for it to go away completely. It's been almost a month now:(

2. Denton Staff Retreat
-Our Denton Staff was able to go to Matt Clark's parents house for a weekend. It was so much fun! We got some work done and planned a little bit for the year, but the main function of the weekend was staff bonding. I think we were extremely effective at meeting our goal. I'm so excited to get to work with these people!!!

We played a lot of croquette! (We definitely aren't the most photogenic staff)

3. Preparing the campuses for August
-A lot of my job this month has been doing this. I've attended some orientations, talked to people on TWU about us signing up for move-in and the Block Party, talked to potential leaders on the TWU and UNT campuses, and lots of random other administrative tasks. So far everything is coming together quite nicely:)

I hope you guys have a great Fourth of July! As a final note, I'd like to tell you that I'm currently 36% fundraised. If you guys could continue to keep that in your prayers, I'd really appreciate that. Also if you have any one you know you think who'd want to support a campus missionary, let me know!

You guys are the best,